Hello there.
I am Antti Pyhäluoto and here are some projects I have worked on. These include school projects, with varying video demonstrations, and personal projects I have done on my free time with varying degrees of progress.
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School projects
Medicine dispenser
The purpose of the Medicine Dispenser was to make it easier to take medicine at the proper time and dosage. Alarms can be set with time, what tablets and how many tablets to be taken at once. Device has three containers to store medicine in tablet form. When alarm occurs device alerts with sound. When alarm is muted device dispenses tablets according the alarm.
Main components: Arduino Uno R3, Arduino Robot LCD 1,77" screen, 3 x Tower Pro SG92R servo.
Language: C.
The device can balance ball on the top surface using two servos below the surface. Ball can be pushed, and the devices will recenter the ball. The ball is detected with a camera mounted on top. With balls coordinates and coordinates of where the ball should be device calculates angels for the servos. Servos are controlled by Arduino Uno.
Main components: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Raspberry Pi Camera Module, 2 x Tower Pro SG90 servo, 16x2 screen, Arduino Uno R3.
Languages: C, Python.
GPS tracker
GPS tracker sends location data over GSM in real time to a database. Website was made to view location from database as well as view live location data and manipulate the location sending frequency. On the website location data is visualised on a map, where line is drawn, and on charts where speed and distance travelled are displayed based on the data on database.
Main components: NUCLEO-F303RE board, Ublox NEO-6M, Arduino GSM Shield
Languages: C++, HTML, PHP, JavaScript.
Smart Chair
During the first half of 2019 we did a project in cooperation with students from Belgium. Belgian students developing a mobile application and Belgian students visited Finland in February when we decided the topic for the project. The final presentation of the project was held in Belgium at the beginning of May.
The aim of the project was to create a smart chair and a mobile application for the chair that would keep track of users sitting statistics. How long user have been sitting and how good was users posture while sitting. If the application detected prolonged bad posture it would alert the user to take a better posture and after sitting a long time would alert the user to have a break from sitting.
Main components: NUCLEO-F303RE board, JY-MCU Bluetooth module, 2 x Flexiforce A201 Printed Pressure sensors
Personal projects
Time-lapse machine
Simple time-lapse machine made with Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Camera module. I have made it so that I only need to power on the devices and it automatically starts taking photos at set interval. After the photos have been taken I use FFmpeg to combine them in to a video. Below is a link to one of these.
Language: Python
Conway's Game of Life
For fun I wanted to make Conway's Game of Life with Python. Program randomly generates the first frame and then follows the rules of game of life that are listed below. Each frame is saved as image and later combined with FFmpeg into a video just like time-lapse.
Language: Python.
Rules(from Wikipedia):
- Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if by underpopulation.
- Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
- Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.
- Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
Electronic magnification device
The device uses Raspberry Pi and its camera module to display magnified image on connected screen. Magnification and camera position can be adjusted. Device can be turned on and off from the switch on the box. Inside the box is Raspberry Pi and a PCB board with a MCP3008 A/D converter to allow use of potentiometer to adjust the zoom level.
Main components: Raspberry Pi 3 model B, Raspberry Pi Camera module, MCP3008.
Language: Python.